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March 22, 2005 Minutes

March 22, 2005


Mr. Catino called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the East Windsor High School.

Members PRESENT:
Paul Catino, Chairman
Jack Mannette
Denise Sabotka
William Dove
Gil Hayes
Dale Nelson


Police Chief Edward DeMarco, Jr. came before the Commission and presented his budget and rationale behind the budget request through a detailed presentation.  

Chief DeMarco outlined the Department’s Mission Statement and their efforts to meet the expectation of that Mission Statement.  The Town is changing significantly and the department wants to shift and change to meet the needs of the growing community.  The history of the department and its current staffing were discussed. The recent additions of a substation in Broad Brook,  the Millpond Village police office, through private entity grant, and the School Resource Officer were explained. The short term goals of the department include:  timely manner response, 24 hour supervision, decrease in crimes, accountability based evaluations, improve communication infrastructure.  Long Term Goals: suppress crime, address quality of life, nuture the relationship of the police department with the community.

For each division of the police department, patrol, investigative, communications, IT and administration, Chief DeMarco detailed the staff, goals, issues and responsibilities, where they fit in the department, and how they serve the community.   Additionally he provided input as to outreach into the community and the positive advances in this area.

The administration goals have a strategic focus for an overall safety plan.  One issue is that currently there is not 24/7 supervision in place.  The future plan to alleviate this scenario and resulting concerns as relate to “span of control” issues and liabilities were discussed in depth.  Legal concerns include:  lack of supervision; failure to train, and negligent retention of employees.  The budget submission takes practical measures to limit the Town’s exposure to vicarious liabilities and/or deliberant indifference liabilities.  He detailed the current responsibilities of the supervisors, outlining the optimal span of control at 1-5, wherein currently it is at 12.  The submitted promotion does not add an employee, but through promotion allows some of the span of control issues to be alleviated.   The promotion of a Sergeant to a Lieutenant will reduce some of the responsibilities on the Captain, as the Lieutenant can share in some of the duties.  

In light of the March, 2005 Connecticut Magazine crime statistics, crime rate needs to be addressed.  Currently the department is working on ordinances, which include the Alarm Regulation Ordinance, Parking Ticket Ordinance and Abandoned Motor Vehicle ordinances.


·       100 (f/t salary)         -                                                      $10,838 ?
o       contractual

·       101 (p/t salary – records clerk )                                       $425 ?
o       non contractual – no raise given last year

·       102 (OT fixed)                                                  0%?
·       103 (OT variable)                                                       0%?
o       questioned whether it is realistic to keep 0% increase, when salaries have been increased.  If an added appropriation is needed in the future for OT costs, that  is the cost to do business, personnel needed to do the business.  The goal was to stay with a status quo budget, barring contractual increases, and this budget submission tried to meet that goal.   

·       106 (longevity)                                                 $712?
o       contractual
o       Discussions ensued regarding plans in light of potential future retirement scenarios.

·       123 (Dispatchers)                                                       $17,067?
o       contractual

·       124 (clerical)                                                          0%?
o       no increase is pre-contract

·       125 (officer salary)                            $105,465?       contractual
$    3,344?     non contractual – lieutenant

·       As outlined in presentation regarding goal toward 24 hour supervision.  The lieutenant position is in the contract.  This would go from 6 sergeants to 5 sergeants, with the intent to return to 6 sergeants in the future.  Working with 6 sergeants is new this year, they had previously worked with 5.    Sergeant to lieutenant contract changes discussed.  
·       Mr. Catino took time to inquire why the six sergeants were requested last year, with the intent of 24 hour supervision in place.  Chief DeMarco outlined that the six sergeants in place do not allow for 24 hours supervision and the OT figures would have to be increased to cover 24 hour supervision.  This lieutenant position will only alleviate the span of control issues, there will be slight set backs returning to 5 sergeants, but overall other areas will be alleviated with the addition of a lieutenant position, so the slight step back in the sergeant arena is worth it.  The ultimate goal will be 24 hour supervision and these are steps taken toward that goal.  
·       Some incident driven scenarios were explained and who is the Officer in Command if there is no sergeant on duty

·       325 (SWAT)                                                              $15?

·       380 (uniforms)                                                  $7769?
o       contractual  - lowest bid

·       390 (other purchase services)                                           $126?

·       430 (vehicle maintenance)                                               0%?

·       431 (building maintenance)                                              $1,040?
o       non-contractual – raise for the janitor, a hard worker, who will have to work with a  bigger building.

·       435 (radios & maintenance)                                              0%?

·       542 (communications)                                            0%?
o       no increase in work stations with new building, no need for more phone lines

·       560 (photo)                                                             0%?
·       580 (travel)                                                            0%?
·       610 (supplies)                                                          0%?
·       612 (food supplies prisoners)                                           0%?

·       620 (gas & oil)                                                 $11,752?
o       non contractual – however based on contract with fuel provider and projected increase in cost of fuel.

·       630 (uniforms)                                                  0%?
·       631 (investigative supplies)                                            0%?
·       701 (office equipment)                                          0%?
·       799 (collect system)                                                    0%?

·       800 (other)                                                             $1,055?
o       non contractual – cost of professional test for lieutenant promotion.

·       810 (dues &subscriptions)                                               0%?

Summary         Contractual Increase            $141,851
                        Non contractual Increase:                   $  10,041
                        Total increase                  $151,892

In lieu of currently expended OT costs, Community Service Officer possibilities were discussed.  Some responsibilities can be done by civilians, while the cannot transport prisoners, a civilian can run papers/items to Court.  This was not an item requested in the budget, but discussions ensued regarding the positive possibilities of a Community Service Officer

Recent extradition was paid 100% by the State.

Questions were fielded regarding seizure monies, how they are accounted for and monitored, as well as assets from narcotic busts.  Nuisance abatement fees are being worked on, but nothing obtained as of yet.  

Alternate funding by way of grants were discussed. The Board of Finance had questions as to how the Millpond Officer grant monies are accounted for and if those monies granted include expenses, such as uniform costs.  Also creating future liabilities if the grants are no longer existing were discussed.  It was felt a true impression was needed of what the cost of the officers received through these grants are to the Town and what the cost could be in the future should the grant no longer be in place, but the officer still there to fill a position.  The status of police grants are: SRO and Millpond, currently.  All of the COP grants have been exhausted.   Renegotiating of federal and private grants was discussed.  

IT support is an issue to be discussed with the Selectmen in the future, especially the possibility of sharing IT support and maintenance.  

Mr. Catino explained the unpleasant idea of reducing a budget by 5%, and it is not something that is sought.  The Board has to plan for future events, and if the need to cut is imminent, it would be better for the Department to outline where the cut come from, so the Board has some direction in that regard.  Also it will outline to the residents what the ramifications of cuts are, and how it effects services.  This is not a backdoor avenue to find out where to cut a budget, but a tool to be used in the future in the event budget cuts are mandatory.   The Chief outlined the budget cut would have to be to personnel, and by seniority  providing a lay off scenario.

Meeting concluded at 10:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia D. Croxford
Recording Secretary